Sarasota's Medieval Fair compares Peasants Revolt of 1381 with Occupy movement
Medieval History

Sarasota's Medieval Fair compares Peasants Revolt of 1381 with Occupy movement

The Occupy movement is spreading across the globe because people are tired of the 1%'s greed forcing the 99% further into poverty and wage slavery. But a theatrical rendition in Sarasota Sunday reminded people this isn't the first time in history the rich have been targeted by angry crowds of common folk tired of being stepped on.

About 25 Common people from the Peasant Revolt of 1381 are preparing to storm London Tower, intent on murder. Fourteen year old King Richard II raised poll taxes for the third time in six years, ostensibly to pay for military campaigns overseas. One Common is a scruffy young man covered in dirt. He seemed to be in a bit of a quandary on precisely why he was protesting.

Click here to read this article from WMNF Community Radio

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Medieval History
