SELIM Conference Invites Papers on Medieval Studies and Medievalism for September 2015
Medieval History

SELIM Conference Invites Papers on Medieval Studies and Medievalism for September 2015

SELIM, Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature, invites all scholars interested in the field to participate in its 27th International Conference, which will be hosted by the Department of English and Germanic Philology of the University of Granada from September 17th to 19th, 2015. Papers dealing with any aspect of Medieval English (including, of course, Medievalism) are welcome, especially those concerning literary or linguistic history.Abstracts should be sent to Dr. Rafael J. Pascual ([email protected]). The deadline for abstracts is May 31st, 2015. We will acknowledge receipt and acceptance as soon as the proposal has been peer-reviewed.

The following plenary speakers have confirmed their attendance:
- Leonard Neidorf (Harvard University) ? ?The Transmission of Beowulf 
and the History of the English Language?
- Rodrigo Pérez Lorido (Universidad de Oviedo) ? ?Syntax and Language 
Processing in Early English?
- Tom Shippey (Saint Louis University) ? ?Beowulf Criticism: From 
Tolkien to Fulk?

For further details, please visit our website:

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