SHARP Peter Isaac Essay Prize
Medieval History

SHARP Peter Isaac Essay Prize

In honour of our founder, the late Professor Peter Isaac, Print
Networks announces the foundation of a biennial essay prize for the
best essay in the field of the History of the Book Trade in the
Anglophone world.

The Rules
1. The essay can be on any aspect of the History of the Book Trade in
the Anglophone world during the manuscript or print eras. Papers
drawing on research in primary sources and critical, methodological or
theoretical essays are welcome.
2. Any student registered for a postgraduate degree (master?s or
doctoral) is eligible to enter the competition. Early career scholars
within three years of completion of their PhD are also eligible, as
are independent scholars without a formal affiliation.
3. The text of the essay (exclusive of references and bibliography)
must be between 6000 and 8000 words.
4. The essay must be submitted in English.
5. The essay must not have been published elsewhere.
6. An electronic copy of the essay (in Word format) must be submitted
as an email attachment to Dr Catherine Armstrong convenor of Print
Networks by 30 March 2013. [email protected]

The Decision
1. The essays submitted will be assessed by at least three members of
the ?Print Networks' committee (all of whom are active researchers in
the field).
2. Submissions will be judged in terms of their originality, depth,
scope and rigour and the extent to which they make a new contribution
to historical understanding, as well as qualities of style and
3. The Print Networks committee reserves the right not to award a
prize in any particular year.
4. The prize will be announced in early July via email, on the Print
Networks website and will be awarded publically at the Print Networks
5. The prize will be £150 plus free entry (including food, drink and
overnight accommodation) to the annual conference in Chichester from
23-25th July 2013.

?Print Networks? website:

Posted by John Hinks on behalf of the 'Print Networks' committee. All
enquiries to [email protected]

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Medieval History
