Smattering of 12th century art from Norway
Medieval History

Smattering of 12th century art from Norway

Church W. portal - decoration on right jamb. Al, Norway, 12th century.
Tapestries are my favorite art form, of all time. Love love love. This is the Baldishoel Tapestry: fragment: detail of April and May. "The two months of April and May - the part of the tapestry which has been preserved - is a fragment of a larger tapestry designed as a frieze which most likely consisted of 12 motifs - one for each month of the year." 1180. 6'6 3/4" x 3'11". Held at the  Kunstindustrimuseet in Oslo, Norway. 

- Is This How The Bayeux Tapestry Would Have Ended?
The Alderney Bayeux Tapestry The famous Bayeux Tapestry ends with the defeat of King Harold's army and the flight of the Anglo-Saxon soldiers. However, most scholars believe that the original tapestry would have ended with the coronation of William...

- Warwick Library Hosts Medieval Tapestry Conservation Program On March 20
The Albert Wisner Public Library will present the ?Restoration of the Cloisters? Redemption Tapestry? on Sunday March 20, at 2 p.m. in the Community Room. Warwick resident Tina Kane will discuss the landmark medieval tapestry conservation project she...

- Dozens Of Shipwrecks In Norwegian Lakes
An international team from ProMare (US), the Norwegian Maritime Museum (Norway), the Norwegian University of Science & Technology (Norway), and Teledyne Gavia (formerly Hafmynd ehf) have located nearly two dozen, well-preserved shipwrecks in the lakes...

- Three-year Doctoral Fellowship
Could you please circulate information about a three-year doctoral fellowship announced at the University of Oslo in connection with the research project "Graphicacy and Authority in Early Europe (c. 300?1000)". The official call for this...

- Viking Art
Religious ArtRunic Stones of kings Gorm (right) and Harald (left), 10th C, Denmark, East Jutland, Jelling.Viking crucifixion scenes are unique in the pervasive realm of Christian art, where so much is ruled by convention and tradition. Runes! Interlace!...

Medieval History
