Some News from BABEL
Medieval History

Some News from BABEL

FIRST, the special issue of "Journal of Narrative Theory" [v. 37, no. 2],
"Premodern to Modern Humanisms: The BABEL Project" is now available
for viewing and downloading at Project Muse:

SECOND, the formerly-behemoth and now recently slimmed-down BABEL
essay volume,"Fragments For a History of a Vanishing Humanism," is going forward with Ohio State University Press, and the prospectus and table of contents can be viewed

THIRD, BABEL has two organized roundtable sessions at Kalamazoo this
year, "What Is the Place of the Present in Medieval Studies?" and "Is There a
Theory in the House of Old English Studies?" [plus there is a session organized by Nicola Masciandaro which is very BABEL-y, "Why Am I Me? On Being Born in the Middle
Ages I" which we want to tout here], and more information on those
can be found here:

FOURTH, along with Saint Louis University and Southern Illinois University
Edwardsville, BABEL is co-hosting the 34th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern
Medieval Association [theme: "Bodies, Embodiments, Becomings"; plenary speakers:
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen and Steven Kruger] from October 2-4, 2008 [on
the downtown campus of Saint Louis University], and the Call for Papers is here
[be there or forever break our hearts]:

FIFTH, as part of her mission to advance [and to keep re-formulating]
the BABEL "mission" in various stealth maneuvers, Eileen recently presented the
so-called "second chapter" of the BABEL manifesto-cum-loveletter at a Medieval
Club of New York-sponsored panel on "The Subjects of Friendship, Medieval and
Medievalist,"and the text of that second chapter can be found here:

*The "third chapter" of the so-called BABEL manifesto-cum-love letter will be
presented by Eileen at another event worth advertising here: the 2nd
International Workshop of the Anglo-Saxon Studies Colloquium (of Princeton,
Columbia, Rutgers, and NYU), to be held on May 23 and 24 at Kings College
London, "Anglo-Saxon Futures 2: About Time," and the program for that can be
found here:

- Call For Sessions: Babel's 2nd Biennial Meeting
The time draws near -- December 15th, to be exact -- for session proposals for the 2nd biennial meeting of the BABEL Working Group, "cruising in the ruins: the question of disciplinarity in the post/medieval university," to be held in Boston from 20-23...

- Babel's Inaugural Biennial Meeting
he full program for BABEL's Inaugural Biennial Meeting, to be held at the University of Texas at Austin from 4-6 November 2010, is now online: Full details about how to register, where to...

- Postmedieval: Congratulations Eileen, Myra, Et Al!
the inaugural double-issue of "postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies" will be forthcoming in April 2010 [topic: "When Did We Become Post/human?" co-edited by Eileen Joy and Craig Dionne], at which point half of the issue's contents...

- Postmedieval: A Journal Of Medieval Cultural Studies Launched
Today marks the *official* announcement of the joint venture between the BABEL Working Group and Palgrave Macmillan, "postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies" [Eileen Joy and Myra Seaman, Editors and Holly Crocker, Book Reviews Editor]. The...

- Sema
I want to share with everyone the Call for Papers for the 34th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, to be held on the campus of Saint Louis University in downtown Saint Louis from October 2-4, 2008, and co-hosted by Saint Louis University...

Medieval History
