Medieval History


Rijcklof Hofman (transcription), Pádraic Moran (digital edition)

St Gall MS 904 is a copy of Priscian's monumental Institutiones
Grammaticae (Foundations of Grammar) written in 851. It contains c.
9,400 marginal and interlinear glosses. About one-third of the glosses
are in Old Irish (the remainder in Latin), making the manuscript an
important resource for Celticists. It is also a valuable witness for
language teaching and scribal culture in the ninth century.

Rijcklof Hofman published about half of the glosses in print in 1996,
but now the full text of all of the glosses is available for the first
time, online. The digital edition also incorporates the underlying text
of Priscian (thanks to, links to
manuscript images (via, and other resources.

Comments, criticisms, suggestions especially welcome!

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Medieval History
