Study of Historical Manuscripts Proceedings now online
Medieval History

Study of Historical Manuscripts Proceedings now online

Dear colleagues,
we are honored and happy to have an opportunity to inform you that except as a printed edition, Proceedings of Summer School in the Study of Historical Manuscripts held at the Department of Information Sciences, University of Zadar, Croatia, are now published online and are freely accessible on the address:

The main goals of the Summer School in the Study of Historical Manuscripts were to acquaint the participants with the most recent developments and newly emerged concepts in the fields of historical methods and epistemology, research in historical manuscripts, bibliographic information organization and its relation to the archival context, conservation and preservation but also to provide practical introduction to historical collection management and contemporary approaches to digitisation. The Summer School also provided the participants with an insight into current research of Croatian, but also of other historical manuscripts in the region, and raised the participants' awareness of rich and technologically advanced research information sources. In the Proceedings seventeen delivered lectures are published togather with a student's essey supervised by a lecturer. The papers are divided into four thematic sections: cultural history, information organization, conservation and preservation, and collection management.

I would like to remind you also on proceedings of our Summer school in the study of old books, which was previously published online on the address:

We will be sincerely grateful if you share this information to those who might be interested.

We wish you pleasant summer holidays and hope to see you on some other summer schools or other occasions at Department of Information Sciences, University of Zadar, Croatia. We would also strongly appreciate any feedback on Proceedings.

Best regards

Mirna Willer and Marijana Tomi?, editors

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Medieval History
