Thomas Institute
Medieval History

Thomas Institute

The Thomas Institute, University of Cologne, invites applications for a
two-year fixed-term contract position of a

Postdoctoral Researcher (TVL-E 13)

in conjunction with the Theophilus project. The project aims to take a
new approach to the treatise on mediaeval handcrafts of Theophilus
Presbyter and will present a digital scholarly edition, based on a
comprehensive documentation of the variant manuscript traditions.

The Position:
-- Research on manuscript witnesses and sources
-- Transcription and critical annotation of the variant text versions
-- Digitisation of existing editions and translations
-- Creation of a comprehensive digital edition
-- Cooperation with IT-specialists and art historians and with similar
edition projects
-- Presentation of results and assistance in the organisation of an
exhibition on medieval arts and crafts

-- PhD in a relevant mediaeval discipline
-- Very good knowledge of Latin language, palaeography and codicology
-- Experiences in the creation of scholarly editions
-- Good awareness of similar digital humanities ventures / willingness to
undergo intensive training

An extensive description of the project is provided at the homepage of
the Thomas Institute:

For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Andreas Speer (email:
[email protected]; phone: +49 221 470 2309).

Complete Applications must be submitted before 31st May 2008 to the
Thomas Institute, University of Cologne, Universit=E4tsstrasse 22, 50923
K=F6ln, Germany.


- --
Torsten Schassan
Herzog August Bibliothek, Postfach 1364, D-38299 Wolfenbuettel
Tel.: +49-5331-808-130, schassan {at};
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Medieval History
