Viking Society
Medieval History

Viking Society

Dear Viking Society member
> I am pleased to announce that the Catalogue for the Viking Society auction of
> books belonging to Peter Foote is now available on the Society¹s web site
> Bids are invited until 31st July 2010. The Catalogue can be
> downloaded in Word
> or PDF format. Instructions for placing bids will be found at the
> beginning of
> the catalogue. Any individual (or institution) is welcome to bid; the sale is
> not restricted to Society members.
> Because of the wide range of Professor Foote¹s interests, many besides Viking
> Society members may want to see the catalogue, and we would be grateful if
> members could pass on the information about the sale where appropriate.
> As you know, proceeds from the sale will go to the Peter Foote Memorial Fund.
> I would also like to remind members who would like to contribute to the fund
> that donations can be sent to the Treasurer at the Society¹s address.
> With best wishes
> Alison Finlay
> -- Ph.D. Researcher,
> U.C.D. School of Archaeology,

- Asnc Hosts Viking Society Student Conference
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- Don?t Underestimate Viking Women
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- Shetland?s Viking Age To Be Explored In Research Project
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- 25th Jorvik Viking Centre Annual Festival
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- Catalogue Of Digitized Medieval Manuscripts
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Medieval History
