Welcome (back) to the MSCU!
Medieval History

Welcome (back) to the MSCU!

Hello medievalists!
And welcome back to another year of engaging studies, camaraderie, heated arguments, and modern medievalism with UVic Medieval Studies and your MSCU! We're very excited to meet (and catch up with) members new and old. Whether you're a major, minor, or taking even one course, a seasoned scholar or just simply can't help pointing out the errors in medieval films, we're the course union for you!

We already have a great slate of events in mind for this year, but we want to hear what you'd like to see from the MSCU this year! Come on out to our Annual Course Union Conclave (some people might call it an "AGM") at 4:30 on Tuesday 17th Sept. in CLE C115  to meet other students and connect with resources in your department, plan the year, and elect an executive for 2013-2014! We are looking to elect a new Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Communications, and are welcoming any number of Directors-at-Large!
If you cannot make the meeting, and would like to have input or join the exec, please e-mail us at [email protected]. If you have not already done so, you can follow the MSCU on Facebook and Twitter, where we post frequently about events and medieval humour! You can find a list of upcoming events at the bottom of this post!
Hope to see you all this Tuesday! (Did we mention the free pizza?)
- your MSCU Exec

So, what's coming up for the MSCU?

-- We are hoping to have a Mead and Greet social and a Medieval Movie Night in the next few weeks - times TBA.
-- Sept. 24th at 2:30, the department and library are hoping to offer a free hour-long introductory tour of medieval resources, primary sources and research aids available through the libraries and an intro to interacting with medieval databases and special collections artifacts.  This is open to all MEDI and MEDI-related students; please let us know if you would like to take part.
-- Starting Oct. 1, the department will be offering Mardinalia, a free and casual seminar in medievalist research methods, essay writing technique, and academia, and translation sessions in Medieval Latin, open to all levels (no Latin or research experience required!). They are tentatively scheduled for Tuesdays at 2:30, and will build towards our Interdisciplinary Conference in second term!
-- The Medieval Studies department has a work-study position available to work on the Medieval Map project. Some research and technical experience required, but students will be given a chance to add their own interests to the communal project. If you're interested, contact [email protected] for more information.

- Sumer Is Icumen In...
Hello Medieval friends in, about, and (already) beyond Victoria! It's that time of year again... Sumer is icumen in Lhude sing cuccu! Groweth sed and bloweth med and springeth the wde nu sing cuccu! As we celebrate the end of classes and forget the...

- Happy New Year And Why Medievalists Drink
Salvete fellow Medievalists in Victoria - and a hearty welcome-back to the Winter term from your exec at the UVic Medieval Studies Course Union! As well, a welcome to everyone who might be taking Medieval courses for the first time at UVic; you've...

- A Medieval February
Hello everyone, February is shaping up to be a very eventful - and medieval - month! Here's a list of must-attend activities for you to enjoy! 1. As mentioned below, the MSCU will be holding another movie night on Feb. 4 at 7:00 PM in CLE A303. Bring...

- The Medieval Mediterranean
Hello everyone, Have you signed up for Medi 305: The Medieval Mediterranean yet? No? Then you must! This class is taught by Dr Eva Baboula ([email protected]) and runs Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-3:30. There is plenty of room left...

- Welcome To The Medieval Studies Course Union
Here are a few frequently asked questions about the MSCU: 1. What is it? The Medieval Studies Course Union serves to connect students with an interest in the middle ages. UVic can be a big and often intimidating place, finding peers with similar interests...

Medieval History
