Welcome 2014. Please do come in...
Medieval History

Welcome 2014. Please do come in...

2014 is finally here and I am looking forward to it.
I had a couple weeks over Christmas and New Year where I took the pedal of the interweb socialising and now I am back. Refreshed. Refocused.

Had a slow start to the year in regards to reading too, having hit the halfway mark in the first month of the year, I find I have only just finished my first book. It was not a very long book either. I don't plan on making that a habit.

2014, with any luck, will be chock-a-block full of great historical fiction reads. Great enough at least to inspire me to feverishly review, review, review!

The book I just finished and am about to review, was not a terrific start. A 2 star out of 5 stars read. Not good. Hoping 2 star reads won't be a common occurrence this year

Here's to great and inspiring reads in 2014.

- MM

- The Long And The Short Of It: King Hereafter By Dorothy Dunnett
King Hereafter by Dorothy DunnettWhat a complicated review this is to write. It will be a super short one to boot! I do not want to give this book two stars. The writing quality alone deserves five stars. But what else should I give a book that I have...

- What? 2015 Already??
2015 already? how did that happen? I feel like I had only just put my feet up. No avoiding it. The new year is here. I will continue to blog it up in 2015 if all goes to plan. Obviously, there are some months where I am not reading Historical Fiction...

- There Is A Season: Raiders From The North By Alex Rutherford
Raiders From the NorthThis will be one of those reviews where I don't really have much to say. Due to a mood clash I am at a complete loss with Raiders of the North by Alex Rutherford, but I will try and loop some words together into what I would...

- Carried A Step Too Far: The Things They Carried By Tim O'brien
The Things They Carried This review is of a book that is neither Ancient history nor Medieval history. Some may even question if it is even historical fiction, but according to many historical fiction standards (including the Historical Writers Association),...

- Samurai Sauce: The 47 Ronin Story By John Allyn
47 Ronin by John AllynWhat a way to NOT start a New Year. It is the first half of the first month of 2014 and despite my hopes that this would be a big year for me and my reads, it has kicked off with a real let down. I have seen 47 Ronin pop up in my...

Medieval History
