What is Masculinity? How useful is it as a Historical Categpry?
Medieval History

What is Masculinity? How useful is it as a Historical Categpry?

What is Masculinity? How useful is it as a Historical

Birkbeck College, University of London, 14th, 15th &
16th May 2008.

Conference weblink:

In recent years, there has been an explosion in
scholarship that questions masculinity in history. This
vibrant new approach has incorporated many different
theoretical and empirical considerations in historical
scholarship. This conference, held at Birkbeck College,
University of London on 14th, 15th & 16th May 2008,
fosters discussion across fields and time period
specialism. We have groundbreaking papers in
contemporary and modern, early modern, medieval,
Classical, Ancient and non-western history, from
historians throughout the world who are working in the
general field of masculinity studies. The conference
will provide discussion of the latest thinking, debates
and contention in this field, that it will serve as a
review of ?where we are now? in terms of scholarship in
the field of masculinity studies. There will be three
plenary lectures, by John Tosh (Modern), Alexandra
Shepard (Early Modern) and Ruth Mazo Karras (Medieval),
and a Round Table discussion with Harry Brod
(Philosophy), Thomas Hubbard (Classics) and the three
plenary speakers.

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Medieval History
