Where the Medieval Isn't......
Medieval History

Where the Medieval Isn't......

This is a post about where one would hope to find a medieval reference of some kind, but sadly didn't.

I happened to have the radio on this morning and was half listening to a MPR show called Midmorning hosted by Kerri Miller. She had a doctor on who was musing about her career choices. One of the things this doctor said was that in medicine it is a common thing to talk about "the time of the giants." The time in the not too distant past when doctors were doctors, gave preeminent care, diagnosed accurately with the merest of glances etc....I'm probably exagerating a couple smidges.

First, the immediate thing that jumped to mind was the Old English phrase "the work of giants," anything lasting and worthy was the work of giants, whether the remnants of a city, or a passing wondrous sword.

Second, and though not medieval draws on medieval and early Renaissance stories about such, is Newton's statement about seeing further because he has sat on the shoulders of giants. But that wasn't referenced in the discussion either.

Third, and last, I of course thought of the ubi sunt motif and the ideas of a golden age. Yes, some will be quick to point out that this isn't technically medieval either and predates the medieval some way. And you'd be quite right. But, I'd rejoin that the medieval period lifted the ubi sunt and ideas regarding a past golden age (separate ideas that often appear together) to an artform and refinement not see before.

Still, the point of this short post is that somewhere in the discussion on the "time of the giants" I'd have hoped for some sort of medieval reference, or even to Newton since the speaker was in the sciences, that the idea isn't a unique one to medicine and medical practioners. But alas, no. I was disappointed. And now you know that story.

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Medieval History
