12th century manuscript goes missing from Spanish cathedral
Medieval History

12th century manuscript goes missing from Spanish cathedral

A hugely valuable illuminated manuscript has disappeared from the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain, say police. The Codex Calixtinus dates from the 12th Century and was compiled as a guidebook for medieval pilgrims following the Way of Saint James.

This is the oldest copy of the manuscript and is unsaleable on the open market. Only a handful of people had access to the room in which it was kept.

Click here to read this article from the BBC

Priceless medieval Spanish pilgrim guide 'missing'

A priceless 12th century guide to Spain's Way of Saint James pilgrimage, the Codex Calixtinus, has disappeared from the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, police said Thursday. One of the Western world's first 'guidebooks', it is only shown to the public on special occasions such as Pope Benedict XVI's visit last November to the northeastern Spanish city.

Cathedral staff reported it missing on Wednesday afternoon, said a police spokeswoman. "We are investigating its disappearance," the spokeswoman said. "It is usually kept in a room to which only half a dozen people have access," she said, and special security measures are taken whenever it is unveiled to the public

Click here to read this article from Agence France-Presse

Click here to read an article from the Spanish media Correo Gallego: Robo del siglo: desaparece el Códice Calixtino de la Catedral de Santiago

See also this article from El Pais: El Códice Calixtino sustraído de la Catedral de Santiago no estaba asegurado

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Medieval History
