Latest News on the theft of the Codex Calixtinus
Medieval History

Latest News on the theft of the Codex Calixtinus

The Spanish newspaper El Pais is reporting that the police are looking over hundreds of hours of video footage and having teams go into the cathedral at Santiago de Compostella to look for forensic evidence. A helicopter flew over the church as well, to see if there was a hole in its roof which could have been used by the thief to enter the building. Click here to read the article from El Pais

Correo Gallego reports that many questions are asked about the security in the cathedral, including where the key to the safe which held the 12th-century manuscript was kept. Click here to read the article from Correo Gallego.

The Associated Press adds that Galicia regional police are setting up a special unit to try to recover the Calixtinus Codex. They also quoteM ariano Rajoy, head of Spain's leading conservative Popular Party, as saying "The theft of the codex strikes me as disgraceful because it was very important for Santiago, Spain and the world." Click here to read this article.

And yes, someone produced this little bit ;)

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Medieval History
