Medieval History


There are works of art I could look at every day and never tire of. This is different than a 'favorite works' list because you can have a favorite work of art and be sick of looking at it. This list is made up of works that you could hang on your wall and every day find something to love about it. Here are my top three:

Primavera, Botticelli 1482. A canvas print of this hangs on my bedroom wall, and I am amazed at how much I love to look at it everyday.
Unicorn in Captivity, 1485-1505. I wrote my thesis on The Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries, and I actually get a little tired of seeing them. (Maybe all the red? Not restful for the eyes?) But this tapestry, I never ever tire of getting lost in it.
Calling of Saint Matthew, Caravaggio, 1599-1600

There are also works of art I could live my life without ever seeing again, anywhere. My worst three:
Edvard Munch, The Scream of Nature 1893 and 1910. Seriously, isn't everyone just done with this painting? I think I hate it because the whole thing reminds me of.....pregnancy. Nausea, pain, inescapable....bluh.
Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, 1503-1506. It just isn't Leonardo's most compelling piece, is it?
Pablo Picasso, Demoiselles D'Avignon, 1907. I swear if I ever have to read anything else about this painting....
So what are your pieces? The works of art on your walls? The ones you wish you'd never have to see again?

- Has The Lost Leonardo Da Vinci Painting Been Found?
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- New Theory About The Background Of Da Vinci's Mona Lisa
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- Newly Rediscovered Da Vinci Painting To Go On Display At The National Gallery
he National Gallery in England will be having the first public showing of a long-lost Leonardo da Vinci work, Salvator Mundi, which was created in the late 15th or early 16th century. It will be featured during the Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court...

- 'mona Lisa Crypt' Unearthed In Italy
Italian historians say they may have found a crypt containing the remains of the 16th-century woman who modeled for Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, local media said on Friday. Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a rich Florentine silk merchant, is widely...

- Mona Lisa Backdrop Depicts Italian Town Of Bobbio, Claims Art Historian
A small town in northern Italy is basking in new-found celebrity after an Italian art historian claimed it featured in the background of the world's most famous painting ? Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. A bridge and a road glimpsed over the shoulder...

Medieval History
