Pur Beurre
Medieval History

Pur Beurre

Can I do this? Is this allowed? Just put up images of delectable pastries from the day Miss I and I went to choose her birthday cake?  Now the unnecessarily sinister name of "Divorce" for the half coffee/half chocolate puff pastry seems unbearably dear.  I was hit hard at dinner tonight (tears and everything) with the shock of wondering "Was that really us?" Was that really our little family out there in Brittany, France? Trying to figure out the library cards, awed by megaliths, endlessly curious about said pastries, gladdened by our friends on the island.  Was that really us, or is this just more daydreaming? More escapism from administrative stress, or student confessions of sexual assault, or that one student who finds nursing "gross" but works at Hooters, or the student who needs Lancelot to be completely heroic instead of tormented, or how to finish this article on visual narrative on time, or whatever?  We're at the part of the semester when we need to replenish, the part of the semester where I'm asking "What's It All For?" way too often. It's for the consciousness of our common humanity - the only thing that will make things better, the every elusive realization.  Do pastries remind us of our common humanity? They come closer than you'd think - as do all simple but profound pleasures. 

- "long Live Restless Texts!"
Yvain Lunete, Laudine. Paris, BN, fr. 1433, f. 118 It's that moment of the semester in which I oscillate wildly between a lapel-grabbing "Have I taught you nothing?" and a tender "Soft, what light from yonder blue book breaks?"  It's exam...

- Happy Birthday, Iris
Iris in Paris, FranceMy little woman turned 8 today.  She who reads biographies now, and snuggles into bed with her Big Book of Science at night.  She who brings ailing family members bread and a banana because they're good for you, now...

- Better
Iris's little classmate is improving daily - eyes focusing, laughter, touching his mom. He's coming back, he's going to be coming back - it will take much longer than anyone wants it to ever ever, but he's going to do it.  When I...

- Fabyowlis
That, you see, is how "fabulous" is spelled when you're Miss I writing about your week-end.  And indeed the adventures these chickitas managed to have bespeaks some serious fabyowlosity. How long, do you think, before Miss E joins a punk band? ...

- Dutch Courage
Oh my.  Is this how we solve our problems?  Turns out that this was a synopsis exercise from one of the stories at school, and that the last word is supposed to be "gift" - as in to cheer Rick up.  Still, I have this terrible image of this...

Medieval History
