The Rampant Reviewer
Medieval History

The Rampant Reviewer

I have finally set up a blog for all the reviews I do, and have done in the past, that I don't put on this A&M blog.  All those other genres that I read seperate to Historical Fiction.
There will be some historical fiction reviews on the new blog, but there will be reasons why they weren't posted to this one. ie love story (which I don't read anymore but did many years ago) or fantasy historical.
Some other genres represented on the new blog are: Military History - Non Fiction, History - Non Fiction, Cooking, Natural World, plus other hobby related genres such as photography.
It will be a diverse range of reviews and saves me having a blog for each genre I am interested in.

See me here, or see me over there if you ever get curious  :)  ....The Rampant Reviewer

- Medieval Mayhem

- Busy Bee
Apologies to followers for not posting to the blog in the last two weeks. Life has been frenetic this month. Nothing bad, just busy. Am behind on my reviews. Will be back on deck as soon as possible. Book reviews still to come this month: Sons of Thunder...

- Bordering On Personal Taste: Strategos: Born In The Borderlands By Gordon Doherty
Strategos: Born in the BorderlandsThe norm for reviews is to speak about the book, but I am going to break from that norm and open this review with a brief word about the author. I promise it will all tie together as integral to my evaluation of the...

- Mayhem For Mayhem
It has been such a busy month for me. Computer died and when it did, it took with it my ability to blog. I do have a Tablet, but it is impossible to blog from it, as many Blogger features do not work on it. I am now armed with my new baby. Shiny, black,...

- History And Social Media Collide
When I made the decision to boot up this blog I was convinced that that was as far into the social media network water that I wanted to wade, but I suppose once you try something once and don't get bitten, you begin to feel more comfortable with...

- Welcome As I Prepare To Take Flight
Welcome to my first post as Medieval Mayhem. This will take some time to set up as I am still learning the site. The purpose of this blog is to post about books and history, amoung other more random things. The blog will also be connected to the...

Medieval History
