Carol Robinson reviews: Ring Bearers
Medieval History

Carol Robinson reviews: Ring Bearers

Carol Robinson just reviewed: Tanya Krzywinska, Esther MacCallum-Stewart, and Justin Parsler, eds. Ring Bearers: The Lord of the Rings Online as Intertextual Narrative. Manchester & New York: Manchester University Press, 2011. Read the review at Medievally Speaking.

- Rahman Reviews: Knight, Reading Robin Hood
Sabina Rahman recently reviewed: Stephen Knight, Reading Robin Hood, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2015, for Medievally Speaking:Reading Robin Hood stands as Stephen Knight?s third book devoted to the outlaw hero, preceded by Robin...

- Medievally Speaking Reviews: Montoya, Medievalist Enlightenment; Nagel, Medieval Modern; And Stromberg, Maleficent
Please find the following new reviews on Medievally Speaking ( Alicia C. Montoya. Medievalist Enlightenment: From Charles Perrault to Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2013. 256pp. Reviewed by...

- Tondro On Kid Beowulf; Mcshane On Meddle English; And Harty On The Heart Of Robin Hood
Please check these three new reviews in Medievally Speaking:Alexis E. Fajardo, Kid Beowulf. 3 vols. Bowler Hat Comics / Kid Beowulf Comics, 2008-2013, reviewed by Jason Tondro. The review was curated by Ilse Schweitzer-VanDonkelaar.Caroline...

- Neomed & Media
It's been some time that this volume has been in the making, but now it is finally in print: Neo-medievalism in the Media: Essays on Film, Television, and Electronic Games, ed. by Carol L. Robinson and Pamela Clements. The original title, The Medieval...

- Coming To Terms With Medievalism
The following colleagues will participate in the roundtable we are sponsoring at the International Congress on Medieval Studies in 2012: Coming to Terms with Medievalism Co-sponsored by Studies in Medievalism & Medievally Speaking Organizer and Chair:...

Medieval History
