Digital Latin Library CFP
Medieval History

Digital Latin Library CFP

The Digital Latin Library, a joint project of the Society for Classical Studies, the Medieval Academy of America, and the Renaissance Society of America, with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, announces a seminar on Latin textual criticism in the digital age. The seminar will take place on the campus of the University of Oklahoma, the DLL's host institution, on June 25?26, 2015.
We welcome proposals for papers on all subjects related to the intersection of modern technology with traditional methods for editing Latin texts of all eras. Suggested topics:
Of particular interest are proposals that examine the scholarly element of preparing a digital edition.
The seminar will be limited to ten participants. Participants will receive a stipend, and all travel and related expenses will be paid by the DLL.

Please send proposals of no more than 650 words to Samuel J. Huskey at [email protected] by December 1, 2014. Notification of proposal status will be sent in early January.

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Medieval History
