Medieval History


LECTIO, the Leuven Centre for the study of the transmission of texts and ideas in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (http://ghum.kuleuven.be/lectio), is organizing a series of round tables in the framework of a "Laboratory for critical text editing". The first one is entitled ?Digital or critical/Digital and critical??. Speakers are Franz Fischer (Cologne Center for eHumanities), Karina van Dalen-Oskam (Huygens ING) and Tara Andrews (K.U.Leuven/LECTIO). The meeting will take place on Monday November 21, 2-5 pm, in Leuven, Faculty of Arts (http://www2.arts.kuleuven.be/situering), Room: MSI 02.08. You are most welcome to attend, but, please register by sending an email to An Faems: [email protected].

- Digital Latin Library Cfp
The Digital Latin Library, a joint project of the Society for Classical Studies, the Medieval Academy of America, and the Renaissance Society of America, with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, announces a seminar on Latin textual criticism...

- Ride Launch
*** Apologies for cross-posting *** The Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing (IDE) is happy  to announce the launch of a new review journal, RIDE. We aim to make  digital editions and resources more visible and to provide a forum...

- Call For Papers Codicology And Palaeography In The Digital Age Ii -
Call for Papers Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age II - It is only a year since the Institute of Documentology and Scholarly Editing (IDE) undertook an initiative entitled "Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age". Yet its first results...

- International Conference On ?episcopal Elections In Late Antiquity?, 26-28 October 2009
The Faculty of Theology at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven is pleased to announce an international conference on ?Episcopal Elections in Late Antiquity?, 26-28 October 2009. The conference programme will include fourteen keynote lectures and eleven...

- Episcopal Elections In Late Antiquity (ca. 250 - Ca. 600 Ad) Cfp
CALL FOR PAPERS International Conference 26-28 October 2009 EPISCOPAL ELECTIONS IN LATE ANTIQUITY (CA. 250 - CA. 600 AD) Hosted by the Faculty of Theology Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Keynote speakers include: Pauline Allen (ACU, Brisbane), George Bevan...

Medieval History
