Joan of Arc, II
Medieval History

Joan of Arc, II

I'll admit I am obsessed by images of Jehanne d'Arc. I feel like a dissertation for me lies in this direction...
Jules Bastien-Lepage (1848-1884), Joan of Arc, 1879, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Erwin Davis, 1889
This is my favorite painting of her, those ephemeral saints hovering above her, the rustic farmhouse, the strength in her eyes. 
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Joan of Arc at the Coronation of King Charles VII at Reims Cathedral, July 1429, 1854, musee de Louvre
Odilon Redon, Joan of Arc, 1890, Collezione d'arte religiosa moderna (Vatican City)
Paul Joostens, Alleluia-in memoriam Joan of Arc and to heck with Cauchon, before 1960, Koninklijk Museum Voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen.
 Lewis W. Hine, Joan of Arc1918-1919, negative, gelatin on glass
Walter Appleton Clark, Haloed Joan of Arc (?) on horse with lion flag leading armybetween 1890 and 1906, watercolor, Published as cover of: Collier's weekly. Library of Congress.

- France Celebrates Joan Of Arc's 600th Birthday
The normally tranquil city of Orleans is buzzing with festivities over the next two weeks to mark the 600th birthday of one of France's best cultural exports: Joan of Arc. Looking appropriately cinematic, the Loire River swarmed with wooden boats...

- Celebrating The Real Joan Of Arc
On January 6, people around the world will come together to celebrate the 600th anniversary of the birth of St. Joan of Arc, the brave peasant girl from the French countryside who in 1429 lifted the English siege of Orleans, walloped the enemy army and...

- Remembering Joan Of Arc, The Maid Of Orléans
No one knows for sure when Joan of Arc was born in the village of Domrémy. But many believe the date was Jan. 6, 1412 ? six centuries ago today. After all this time, the tale of Joan of Arc remains a strange one. A peasant girl who never learned to read...

- Marine Le Pen & Jeanne D'arc - An Uncomfortable Iconography
Iconographically, very few can claim as much power as Joan of Arc. The idea of Joan has been used in thousands of ways for innumerable causes, and she continues to resurface in new forms and imagery constantly. The political leader Marine Le Pen of the...

- Jehannic Books As Art
I enjoy having an iPad. I like the speed with which it gives me information, and how Siri will make appointments for me. Hardly have to remember anything from doctor appointments to dinner recipes. But a tablet will never replace actual, physical...

Medieval History
