Marine Le Pen & Jeanne d'Arc - an Uncomfortable Iconography
Medieval History

Marine Le Pen & Jeanne d'Arc - an Uncomfortable Iconography

Iconographically, very few can claim as much power as Joan of Arc. The idea of Joan has been used in thousands of ways for innumerable causes, and she continues to resurface in new forms and imagery constantly. The political leader Marine Le Pen of the French party National Front has reincarnated Joan yet again. Today in France NPR reported on the rally in the heart of Paris, where Marine spoke against an enormous backdrop featuring Joan.
Its always exciting when medieval history is artistically or politically reborn in today's world, but after reading about the National Front's politics...there is no way Marine Le Pen would get my vote (ever). So I actually find many of these posters and photographs offensive. Joan fought against invaders, not immigrants. Zenophobia is not a righteous cause in my mind.
This one makes me squirm:
This political cartoon is referencing the closure and sale of the little Joan of Arc museum in Rouen, where hundreds of items were sold at auction. Marine Le Pen looks a little uncomfortable in Joan's armor, non?
Okay...this one is the equivalent of Putin's shirtless horse shots, don't you think?

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Medieval History
