John McCain, Medievalist
Medieval History

John McCain, Medievalist

Following up on "Barack Obama, Medievalist," I wonder how I ever missed this nugget. John McCain claims descent from Robert the Bruce and -- your friend and mine -- the man himself, Charlemagne. Of course, this is utter fantasy -- although proven repeatedly to be attractive fantasy. John McCain, so far as anyone can tell, is NOT related to either of those men and has no perceptible ties to the Middle Ages. And yet, there is this...

Noted, without comment.

- Barack Obama, Medievalist (?)
From the annals of strange stuff, I ran across this Italian article that has the mayor San Giovanni of Fiore inviting Barack Obama to his town in order to become an honorary citizen. Apparently, according to this article, Obama has invoked the 12th-century...

- John Mccain's Judeo-christian "crusade" (?)
This Boston Globe article caught my eye last week and I've been meaning to blog about it once the hectic-ness of the first week of classes passed. Here, Peter Canellos wonders aloud about McCain's peculiar use of the phrase "Judeo-Christian values"...

- Blog Forum 2: Witches, Warlocks, And Demons
I'll take moderator's privilege here for the 2nd post in our Blog Forum. Please comment/ discuss below. Or send longer responses directly to me and I'll be happy to add to the ongoing forum. Recently, there have been witch-hunts in rural...

- Questing For Prester John In Ethiopia
Prester John in Ethiopia, Genoese Planisphere, 1457How quickly the map obsession sets in. Tomorrow is our big day with Prester John, and I will have the total thrill of sharing it in a class session to be attended by a Really Big Medievalist who is coming...

- Greenwood Hare Chasuble At St John Epping
There are some lovely photos on Flickr of a recently restored chasuble at St John's Epping in Essex.  A wonderful vestment blending Gothic and Renaissance motifs, it was designed by Cecil Greenwood Hare, Bodley's chief assistant and...

Medieval History
