Barack Obama, Medievalist (?)
Medieval History

Barack Obama, Medievalist (?)

From the annals of strange stuff, I ran across this Italian article that has the mayor San Giovanni of Fiore inviting Barack Obama to his town in order to become an honorary citizen. Apparently, according to this article, Obama has invoked the 12th-century mystic and theologian Joachim of Fiore on no fewer than 3 occasions.

Excuse me. What???

Does anyone know anything about this? The article doesn't give details of those occasions and I can't find -- anywhere -- independent verification of this. I've used the google, searched through Obama's website, used LexisNexis, Aldo Civico's website (the scholar who's mentioned in the article), etc. Nothing.

If, however, the report is true. I would like to formally declare my interest in becoming -- for either major candidate, McCain or Obama -- the US' 1st Cabinet Secretary of Medieval Stuff. I encourage the campaign staff for either candidate to get in touch.

UPDATE: Little more (in Italian) here. Seems more about Joachim than Obama though...

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Medieval History
