Modern Elections and 9th Century Politics
Medieval History

Modern Elections and 9th Century Politics

The medieval blogosphere is awash with medievalism and US Presidential elections. I earlier posted on Barack Obama's (probably fictional) invocation of Joachim of Fiore, as well as John McCain's peculiar and troubling use of the "Judeo-Christian" deployed vs. Islam (and now see Timh's perceptive comment there on Romney's speech at the RNC convention).

Now, Magistra now has an interesting post about Sarah Palin, media interest in her family -- stoked by the McCain campaign, and the long roots of this type of thing in the history of politics. Go read it. It's good.

- April Fool's! Oh, Wait... (obama & Joachim Revisited)
It's only fitting, I guess, that speaking of prophets makes you prophetic yourself. Way back in August 2008, I found a short Italian news article saying that Barack Obama was a reader of 12th-century mystic and theologian Joachim of Fiore, and that...

- John Mccain, Medievalist
Following up on "Barack Obama, Medievalist," I wonder how I ever missed this nugget. John McCain claims descent from Robert the Bruce and -- your friend and mine -- the man himself, Charlemagne. Of course, this is utter fantasy -- although proven repeatedly...

- John Mccain's Judeo-christian "crusade" (?)
This Boston Globe article caught my eye last week and I've been meaning to blog about it once the hectic-ness of the first week of classes passed. Here, Peter Canellos wonders aloud about McCain's peculiar use of the phrase "Judeo-Christian values"...

- International Conference On ?episcopal Elections In Late Antiquity?, 26-28 October 2009
The Faculty of Theology at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven is pleased to announce an international conference on ?Episcopal Elections in Late Antiquity?, 26-28 October 2009. The conference programme will include fourteen keynote lectures and eleven...

- Episcopal Elections In Late Antiquity (ca. 250 - Ca. 600 Ad) Cfp
CALL FOR PAPERS International Conference 26-28 October 2009 EPISCOPAL ELECTIONS IN LATE ANTIQUITY (CA. 250 - CA. 600 AD) Hosted by the Faculty of Theology Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Keynote speakers include: Pauline Allen (ACU, Brisbane), George Bevan...

Medieval History
