Last Week's News
Medieval History

Last Week's News

Roman camp's occupiers may have built the Antonine Wall

Archeologists Discover Medieval Jewish Bath in Erfurt

Clues to craft past unearthed

Battle Abbey - breathtaking demonstrations

Legendary Bulgarian King's Relics Prepped for 2nd Funeral 800 years After Death

The Viking Experiment

Enmities ancient and modern: Britain's forgotten battlefields

1320 Blessed Margaret of Città di Castello

799 Paul the Deacon
814 Krum, Khan of Bulgario
1053 Earl Godwine of Wessex
1093 Prince Vsevolod I of Kiev
1279 Boleslaus the Pious, Polish duke

989 Bardas Phocas' revolt suppressed by Byzantium
1055 Victor II us crowned Pope
1111 Henry V crowned Holy Roman Emperor
1203 Assassination of Arthur I of Brittany by his uncle, John
1204 Constantinople sacked by 4th Crusade
1250 The Seventh Crusade is defeated in Egypt, Louis IX captured
1256 The Grand Union of the Augustinian order formed when Pope
Alexander IV issues a papal bull Licet ecclesiae catholicae.
1338 Carlisle Herald presents himself before Edward III
1360 Black Monday: the Army of Edward, King of England, is destroyed
by a hailstorm and freezing rain
1375 Egyptians & Turks capture Sis, ending the Kingdom of Armenia
1387 The travelers of Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" begin their
1401 Japan's Imperial Palace burns
1436 The French drive the English out of Paris (100 Yrs. War)

1184 St. Benedict the Bridge-Builder
1246 St. Peter Gonzales,
1433 Blessed Lidwina of Schiedam
1471 Warwick the "Kingmaker", see below

1336 - Emperor Go-Kogon of Japan

1132 Mstislav of Kiev
1279 Boleslaus of Greater Poland
1322 Bartholomew de Badlesmere, 1st Lord Badlesmere, English soldier
1345 Richard Aungerville, English bishop and writer

972 Marriage of Otto II, Holy Roman Emperor, to Theophano, Princess
of the Eastern Roman Empire
1028 Coronation of Henry III, "the Black," as King of Germany
1118 Baldwin II crowned King of Jerusalem
1198 Pope Celestine III consecrated
1205 Battle of Adrianople between Bulgarians and Crusaders.
1291 A body of Templars make a night raid on the Moslem camp at the
Siege of Acre. They are all killed.
1341 Sack of Saluzzo (Italy) by Italian-Angevine troops under Manfred
V of Saluzzo
1386 St. Mary's College, Oxford, England, opens
1434 - The foundation stone of Cathedral St. Peter and St. Paul in
Nantes, France was laid.
1471 defeat and death of Warwick the "Kingmaker"
1471 Queen Margaret of England lands at Weymouth, too late to save
Warwick and her Kingdom at Battle of Barnett
1498 Vasco da Gama arrives at Malindi, East Africa

584 Ruadan of Lothra, Abbot

1452 Leonardo da Vinci
1469 Nanak, 1st guru of the Sikhs
1489 Sinan

74 Suicide of the Defenders of Masada
911 Pope Sergius III
1053 Godwine, Earl of the West Saxons of England
1220 Adolf of Altena, Archbishop of Colog
1257 Aybak, Sultan of Egypt, murdered by order of his wife
1415 Manuel Chrysoloras, Greek humanist
1446 Filippo Brunelleschi

1205 Capture of Baldwin I of Rumainia by the Bulgarians at Adrianople
1285 A ghost dances at the wedding of Alexander III, King of Scots,
and Joleteta, daughter of the Count de Dreux, at Jedburgh
1450 - Battle of Formigny, ending British control of No. France
1446 Filippo Brunelleschi, Italian architect, dies at about 69
1450 French defeat English, 100 Yrs. War

1116 St. Magnus of Orkney,
1186 St. Drogo of Sebourg

778 Loius the Pious
1319 John II the Good, King of France

1116 St. Magnus of Orkney
1189 St. Druon
1293 Tibald Gaudin, 22nd Master of the Templars

74 Romans enter Masada
556 Coronation of Pelagius as Pope
1071 Capture of Bari, Italy, by the Normans
1209 Franciscan order founded
1245 John of Pian de Carpine sent by Pope Innocent IV to the Mongols
1291 Rudolph Hapsburg purchases the rights to govern Lucerne, Switz.
1300 The beginning (in the tale) of Dante's "Inferno"
1415 The King's Council of England is told of the plans for war with
1444 Truce of Tours

1419 Blessed Clare Gambacorta
1134 St. Stephen Harding

617 St. Donnan
858 Pope Benedict III
1087 St. Robert of Chaise-Dieu

744 Murder of Walid II, Caliph of Bagdad
1172 Henry II of England leaves Ireland at Wexford
1278 Edward I, King of England, visits Glastonbury Abbey on Easter
1341 Edinburgh Castle taken from English by Douglas
1414 Isabelle la Boulangere fined for performing an act of
prostitution on this day (Easter Sunday)
1415 The Duke of Bedford is appointed Lieutenant of England
1421 The river Dort floods, 100,000 people drown
1446 Sea breaks in at Dort, Holland, forms Zuiderzee
1492 Columbus named Admiral and Viceroy by the Capitulationes de
Santa Fe
1492 Christopher Columbus contracts with Spain to find the Indies.

639 St. Laserian, bishop of Leighlin
1404 Blessed James of Lodi

1480 Lucrezia Borgia

1221 Jacques de Vitry writes to Pope Honorius III about "King David"
(the Khan of the Mongols)
1318 Cornerstone laid for a monastery endowed by Othon de Grandson
1417 Frederick of Hohenzollern invested as Elector of Brandenburg
1454 Venice signs a treaty with the Turks
1479 Reconstruction of the Japanese Imperial Palace begins, after it,
and the city of Kyoto were destroyed in a Civil War

1054 St. Leo IX, Deacon, Bishop of Toul, Pope
1012 Alphege the Martyr, abbot of Bath

1127 St. Felix of Valois

1012 St. Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury
1054 St. Leo IX, Pope
1390 Robert II, King of Scotland

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- This Week's News
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Medieval History
