Last Week's News
Medieval History

Last Week's News

Medieval age structure and objects found in Dwarka : http://timesofindia

600th Anniversary of Owain Glynd?r rebellion:

A Mass in a Mosque:

Search for 1,500-year-old murder clues: here

Medieval document throws light on origins of York Mystery Plays:

Geometry meets arts in Islamic tiles :

St. Juliana of Nicomedia
St. Gilbert of Sempringham, abbot and founder of the the Gilbertine Order

309 St. Pamphilus
309 Martyrdom of St. Elias
1001 Roman barons put the Pope and Holy Roman Emperor to flight
1220 Bokhara falls to the Mongols
1397 The Sieur de Coucy prepares his Will
1486 Maximillian I chosen King of Germany

St. Finan of Iona, bishop of Lindisfarne Died February 661
Seven Founders of the Order of Servites

1490 Charles, Duke of Bourbon

364 the Emperor Jovian of Rome
603 St. Fintan of Cloneenagh
1247 Henry Raspe, King of Germany

1312 Royal Embassy arrives in Vienne from Philip IV "the Fair," King of France, to convice the Pope to condemn the Templars
1317 The French Inquisition is set after the Spirituals
1387 "Heathen" religions banned in Poland
1400 Richard, deposed King of England, murdered
1454 Philip "the Good," of Burgundy, takes the Vow of the Pheasant
1461 First Battle of St. Albans in War of the Roses

St. Theotonius of Coimbra, Augustinian, Abbot Died 1166

449 St. Flavian of Constantinople
676 St. Colman of Lindisfarne
1397 Enguerrand VII, Sieur de Coucy, Count of Soissons
1405 The Emir al Kebir Timur "i-Leng" (Tamerlane), while leading an expedition to China
1455 Fra Angelico (Guido di Pietro), painter
1478 George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence

1229 Frederick II Hohenstaufen, Emperor of Germany and excommunicate, gains Jerusalem by treaty
1386 Marriage of King Wladislaus II of Hungary to Jadwiga of Poland
1478 George, Duke of Clarence, drowned in a barrel of malmsey wine
1493 Columbus reaches the Azores

St. Conrad of Piacenza, Third Order Franciscan, penitent Died c. 1350

2/19/1473 Nicolaus Copernicus, "The earth revolves around the sun".

1405 Timur the Lame (aka Tamarlane)
1439 St. Mesrop

356 Emperor Constantins II ordered all of the temples within the Roman Empire closed.
607 Election of Pope Boniface III
1377 Wycliffe called to trial before the Bishop of London
1479 Antonello da Messina, Italian painter, dies

St. Wulfric of Haselbury, priest, hermit

342 St. Shahdost of Persia
1194 Tancred
1408 Henry Percy, Baron of Northumberland
1431 Pope Martin V

1258 Execution of the Caliph al-Musta'sim of Bagdad, by Hulagu Khan
1431 Trial of Joan of Arc
1437 Assassination of James I, King of Scotland

Feralia in ancient Rome, honoring the dead
1076 Emperor Henry IV defies Rome and Pope Gregory VII
1173 Thomas A Becket canonized
1198 Pope Innocent III ordained as a priest

St. Margaret of Cortona, Lay Franciscan Died 1297
1072 St. Pietro Damiani

1403 Charles VII, King of France
1440 Ladislas, King of Bohemia and Hungary

606 Pope Sabinian
1071 Death of William fitzOsbern
1072 Stigand

1076 Pope Gregory VII excommunicates, anethemizes and deposes the Emperor Henry IV, and releases his subjects from their oaths of obedience.
1077 Deadline set by Tribur for Emperor Henry IV of Germany to submit to Rome
1276 Coronation of Pope Innocent V
1358 The Guilds of Paris rise against the Crown of France
1452 Murder of William, the Earl of Douglas, by James II, King of Scots

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- This Week's News
News of the Past Week Fisherman nets rare medieval cooking pot: New Discovery at Bodian Castle:

Medieval History
