LTPSC Book of Hours: Mystery Saint(?), and The Gaze in Medieval Art
Medieval History

LTPSC Book of Hours: Mystery Saint(?), and The Gaze in Medieval Art

My education at Brigham Young University's Art History undergraduate and graduate department was excellent. Their academic focus is to teach students a general knowledge of all areas of Art History. This has both good and bad effects; I feel as competent to teach The Futurists as I do the Armarna Period. However, this gave me little time to focus solely on medieval topics. I wrote my thesis on La Dame a la Licorne, and spent a good deal of my time researching medieval literature and art. But I am afraid I'll never be the medievalist I want to be, and this fact proves itself to me time and time again. Like with these beautiful images from the LTPSC Book of Hours:

I don't know who this woman is, or this story. Pretty sure its not in the New Testament, its likely a saint? But of all the images in this Book of Hours, this was by far the most intriguing. "The gaze" is all kinds of interesting in the composition - who is looking at who, and why? If any of you more informed readers know more about this image, I am not too proud to say I'd love some insights!
And its details like this that send shivers up my spine, and make me want to shout at all the people who still refer to 'The Dark Ages.'

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Medieval History
