Not a Saint - but a Sinner!
Medieval History

Not a Saint - but a Sinner!

 Two bright and acute thinkers put forth that the woman in the last post is not a saint - but one of the Bible's most infamous sinners: Bathsheba. But our Bathsheba would be a most demure temptress, fully clothed as she is. She must have had some damn fine calves to tempt a king to petty murder :).
So I looked into other images of Bathsheba, to see what we could see:
David Spying on Bathsheba, detail of illumination from fol. 41v of the Morgan Crusader Bible (aka, Shah Abbas Bible. Maciejowski Old Testament), c. 1250. Pierpont Morgan Library, New York.
When I think of images of Bathsheba from the Middle Ages, this is what I think of: architectural setting, she is nude, sitting in a barrel of water.
 Historiated initial 'Q,' MS. Auct. D. 4. 8, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, c. 1240-1250.
Look at that gorgeous gold foil. Another nude barrel Bathsheba.
 School of Bedford Master, Book of Hours, MS. 10004, fol. 78, David in prayer, border David and Bathsheba. c. 1420, Pierpont Morgan Library.
 'Power of Women' detail, David and Bathsheba. Germany tapestry, 15th century.
I know this doesn't add much to our discussion. But its a tapestry; couldn't ignore it.
 Book of Hours, use of Rheims, Folio. 052e, eastern French, end of 15th century. MS. Rawl, liturg. e. 33, Bodleian Library, Oxford.
Book of Hours, fol. 63r, 1545-1600, parchment, French. And here's the kicker:
Psalm 006:01 (Vulg., 006:02); DOMINE NE IN FURORE TUO ARGUAS ME
Composition, geography are similar, and the text is exactly as Kristen wrote in the comment on the last post - Psalm 6. A modest Bathsheba, she is!

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Medieval History
