Medieval History


Call for Submissions

"MARGINALIA", an interdisciplinary graduate journal of the Middle Ages,
invites submissions for its 2011 Issue on the theme of "Taste".

Suggestions for topics include, but are not limited to:


the liturgical: 'gustate et videte', 'O taste and see'

connotations of 'sapere' in Latin: 'to taste of', 'to resemble' 'to be
inspired by' and 'to exercise discernment'

extremes: starvation, gluttony and their moral implications

medieval aesthetics

vicissitudes: sweetness and bitterness

conspicuous consumption and material culture

Eve and the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

feasting and fasting

applications of sociological analyses of taste, e.g. the work of Pierre

We invite submissions in the form of long articles (approximately 5,000
words) and shorter Notes and Queries style articles (approximately 1,000
words). Please see our website for further details.

Proposals for papers should be sent via email, no later than 20th February
2010, to [email protected]. We will be happy to answer queries
before the deadline.

The editors of Marginalia are graduate students, advised by a board of
academics, from the University of Cambridge

- Marginalia
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- Comitatus
COMITATUS: A JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE STUDIES, published annually under the auspices of the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, invites the submission of articles by graduate students and recent PhDs in any field of medieval and...

- Comitatus
COMITATUS: A JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE STUDIES, published annually under the auspices of the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, invites the submission of articles by graduate students and recent PhDs in any field of medieval and...

- Comitatus: A Journal Of Medieval And Renaissance Studies
COMITATUS: A JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE STUDIES, published annually under the auspices of the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, invites the submission of articles by graduate students and recent PhDs in any field of medieval and...

- Marginalia Cfp
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS ?And gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche? MARGINALIA AN INTERDSCIPLINARY GRADUATE JOURNAL OF THE MIDDLE AGES In celebration of the 800th anniversary of the University of Cambridge, the theme for the 2009 issue of the journal...

Medieval History
