Marginalia CFP
Medieval History

Marginalia CFP


?And gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche?



In celebration of the 800th anniversary of the University of Cambridge, the theme for the 2009 issue of the journal will be ?education?. We invite submissions from graduates working in all areas of medieval studies. The theme may be addressed via topics including:

* courtesy books
* grammars
* debate poetry
* fables
* the seven liberal arts
* artes praedicandi
* ars poetica
* pastoralia
* visual learning
* medieval studies and the academy

We invite submissions in the form of long articles (approximately 5,000 words) and shorter Notes and Queries style articles (approximately 1,000 words), which must conform to the MHRA style guide (available online at Please see our Notes for Contributors for further details regarding style requirements.

Submissions should be sent via email no later than 31 January 2009 to the editors: [email protected]. We will be happy to see brief proposals and to answer queries before the deadline; please email proposals and queries to [email protected] or [email protected].

The editors of Marginalia are Cambridge graduate students, advised by a board of academics.

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Medieval History
