Medieval Medical Treatises
Medieval History

Medieval Medical Treatises

My five-year-old burned her leg on my curling iron today. I only asked her five times to give me some space in the bathroom BEFORE she knocked the curling iron onto her leg, but whatevs. After I cleaned her up and she was properly bandaged, she was impressed with what I had done. "Mom, you are a Doctor Mama!"
In honor of my little one, a smattering of illuminated medical treatises.
Apuleius, Folio #: fol. 023r, English. Centaury was supposed to have been used medicinally by the centaur Chiron, who is shown here holding a sprig of Centauria Maior. Picture of plants and the complaints for which they are curative. The manuscript contains miscellaneous medical and herbal texts. Average folio-size: 304 x 206 mm. Bodleian Library, University of Oxford.
Various authors including Albucasis, Medical treatises, Folio #: fol. 003r. Middle 14th century. Made in Southern Italy. Constantine the African, a monk of Monte Cassino, lectures on uroscopy. The pictures including this one are apparently copies of an earlier manuscript. Bodleian Library, University of Oxford.

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 Book of Hours, folio #: fol. 078r, second quarter of 16th century, French.  Shelfmark: MS. Douce 135 Bodleian Library, University of Oxford. "Sutarius", richly dressed youth. Below: Satan and God discuss Job. Gospel Lectionary, Pericope,...

- 'monokeros,' Or Unicorns In Imagery And Myth, Ii
 Relief showing a Stag and Unicorn, ca. 950, Italian, near Nola. This relief from a church in Nola (near Naples) formed part of a transenna, a low wall that demarcated the church's presbytery, an area reserved for the clergy. The motif of opposed...

- Eleanor Of Aquitaine
The wedding of Louis VII and Eleanor of Aquitaine, 1137. Grandes Chroniques de France, Folio #: fol. 192r. End of 14th century. Bodleian Library, University of Oxford ...

Medieval History
