Nestorian Material online
Medieval History

Nestorian Material online

Mark DelCogliano translated into English the second and third letters
that Nestorius wrote to Pope Celestine (published in the original in
Loofs, "Nestoriana") a couple of years ago. As far as I know no other
translation in English exists.

He has very kindly sent them to me, for upload onto the web, and has
also kindly placed them in the public domain so everyone can use them

The translations are here:

- Eusebius Of Caesarea's Work "on The Celebration Of Easter" Via Roger Pearse
A little while ago I commissioned an excellent Greek scholar to make a translation of Eusebius of Caesarea's work "On the Celebration of Easter" ("De solemnitate paschalis"). The work is actually lost, but an epitome in 12 chapters survives, and was...

- James Of Edessa
I've placed online an English translation of the table of years and events in the Chronicle of the Syriac writer James of Edessa. This continues the table in the Chronicle of Eusebius of Caesarea from where that ends, in 325 AD, down to the early...

- Roger Pearse At It Again....
One of these is the "Commentary on the Nicene Creed" by al-Majdalus. He may have been a Melkite priest of the 10th century. This one came in last weekend, which is why I publicise it. You can get the Arabic text, and English translation in Word documents....

- Commentary On The Nicene Creed
I've placed the English translation by Alphonse Mingana of Theodore of Mopsuestia's "Commentary on the Nicene Creed" online here: t.htm Introduction here:

- Timothy I, Was Invited By The Abbassid Caliph Al-mahdi
In 781 AD the East Syriac Catholicos, Timothy I, was invited by the Abbassid Caliph al-Mahdi to answer a series of questions about Christianity over two days. The questions and his replies are extant in Syriac. I've placed the English translation...

Medieval History
