Timothy I, was invited by the Abbassid Caliph al-Mahdi
Medieval History

Timothy I, was invited by the Abbassid Caliph al-Mahdi

In 781 AD the East Syriac Catholicos, Timothy I, was invited by the
Abbassid Caliph al-Mahdi to answer a series of questions about
Christianity over two days. The questions and his replies are extant
in Syriac. I've placed the English translation by Alphonse Mingana
online here:


Introduction here:


Timothy I was an interesting man, heavily involved in the Nestorian
evangelism which ultimately reached China. He also was involved in
biblical textual criticism, and his letters record the discovery of
some old manuscripts of the Psalms in the region of the Dead Sea; a
possible precursor of the modern Dead Sea Scrolls discovery.

The text above is public domain: please copy freely. It now forms
part of my collection of public domain patristic texts available here:


For those who would like to support the work of the site, you can buy
a CDROM of the translations from here:


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Medieval History
