Sixteenth-Century Norwegian Illuminated Manuscript
Medieval History

Sixteenth-Century Norwegian Illuminated Manuscript

Jónsbók, Lögbok Islendinga, initial F, fol. 3v, Whole Page. Parchment, 1580. Initial F, Incipit; FRJDUR OG BLEZAN VORS GUDZ ALMATTUGS: FAUDUR OG FRELSARA JHESU CHRISTI ASAMT MEDUR HINUM HELGA ANNDA SIE MED OSS AULLUMM .... (The peace and blessing of our almighty God, Father, and savior Jesus Christ, together with the Holy Spirit be with us all ....), Old Norse 
 Initial Þ, Incipit; ÞATH ER FYRST J MANNHELGI VORRE AD VORU LANDI HUER J NOREGS KONUNGS RIKI SKAL FRIDHEILAGUR VERA VID ANNAN UTAN LANDZ OG INNANN .... (That is the first of our personal rights in respect to our country [that] everyone in the Norwegian kingdom shall be inviolate vis-à-vis another, outside the country and within ....), Old Norse 
Initial S, Incipit; SW ER HIN FYRSTA ERFD ER BORN SKILGIETIN TAKA ARF EPTIR FODUR SINN OG MODUR SKILFEINGNA: OG SA SONAR SON ER HANN ER SKILGETINN: OG SUO FADER HANS .... (This is the first [line of] inheritance that lawfully begotten children inherit from their father and their lawfully wedded mother, and the son's son if he is lawfully begotten and thus also his father ....), Old Norse 
Initial þ, Incipit; þAT ER NU þVI NAEST AD EINGIN VORR ANNAN STELA NU ER GREINANDA EF SA MADUR STELUR MATH ER EIGI FAER SIER VINNU TIL FOSTURS .... (That follows now that none of us steal from another. Now it is to be noted that if a man steals who does not obtain work for his upkeep ....), Old Norse

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Medieval History
