Tionól 2009
Medieval History

Tionól 2009

Scoil an Léinn Cheiltigh / Tionól / 2009
Tionól 2009


Note: Not final; subject to change
Dé hAoine, an 20 Samhain 2009
Scoil an Léinn Cheiltigh, 10 Bóthar Burlington

* 9.15 ? 9.50 Sìm Innes Local piety in medieval Highland Perthshire
* 9.50 ? 10.25 Caoimhín Breatnach A poem on the fifteen signs before
Doomsday ascribed to Donnchadh Mór Ó Dálaigh
* 10.25 ? 11.00 Richard Glyn Roberts The genealogy of orality
* 11.00 ? 11.35 Tea
* 11.35 ? 12.10 Gerald Manning TCD MS E.3.3. (now no. 1432) and Uraicecht Becc
* 12.10 ? 12.45 Michael Clarke The pseudohistorical preface to the
late Middle Irish Togail Troí Recension III
* 12.45 ? 2.00 Lunch
* 2.00 ? 2.35 Roisin McLaughlin Cédaín in Braith: a Latin homily in
the Leabhar Breac
* 2.35 ? 3.10 Aidan Breen Jonas and the library of seventh-century Bobbio
* 3.10 ? 3.45 David Howlett Gematria among the Irish
* 3.45 ? 4.30 Tea
* 4.30 ? 5.05 Jürgen Uhlich On the transmission of the Cambrai Homily
* 5.05 ? 5.40 David Stifter Lexicon Leponticum

Léacht Reachtúil: Coláiste na Tríonóide

* 8.00 ? 9.00 Fergus Kelly Women's rights and duties in early Irish
law, with special reference to marriage

Dé Sathairn, an 21 Samhain 2009
Scoil an Léinn Cheiltigh, 10 Bóthar Burlington

* 9.15 ? 9.50 Ciarán Ó Coigligh Graiméar Rudolf Thurneysen: Foinse
eolais ar chanúintí na Nua-Ghaeilge
* 9.50 ? 10.25 Diarmuid Ó Sé The colour terms of Irish
* 10.25 ? 11.00 Dónall Ó Baoill Mantfhocail i nGaeilge Iarthuaisceart
Thír Chonaill
* 11.00 ? 11.35 Tea
* 11.35 ? 12.10 Jacopo Bisagni The origins of the preterite of the
Old Irish copula and substantive verb
* 12.10 ? 12.45 Aaron Griffith The etymology of Old Irish ocus ?and?
* 12.45 ? 2.00 Lunch
* 2.00 ? 2.35 Iwan Wmffre The so-called ?diphthongs? in Gaelic
* 2.35 ? 3.10 Lisa Fraser A new etymology for Hamlet? The names
Admlithi, Amlethus, and Amlóði
* 3.10 ? 3.45 Deborah Hayden Natural and artificial language in
Auraicept na nÉces, revisited
* 3.45 ? 4.30 Tea
* 4.30 ? 5.05 Mícheál Ó Mainnín Ráith Arda Macha: The topography and
toponymy of the medieval settlement of Armagh
* 5.05 ? 5.40 Ruairí Ó hUiginn The Gamanrad

- Another Asnc Awarded Junior Research Fellowship!
Congratulations to Dr Deborah Hayden, who has just been elected to a Junior Research Fellowship at Christ Church, Oxford, beginning in October 2011, to work on the medieval Irish poetico-grammatical treatise Auraicept na nÉces. Deborah outlines her proposed...

- Old Irish Words Deciphered From Stowe Missal
Research into the Stowe Missal, an Irish manuscript written around 800 A.D., has led to the exciting discoveries of two new Old Irish verbs and several nouns from the text, which will help unlock mysteries in other Old Irish scripts. Professor David Stifter...

- The Second International Conference On The Early Medieval Toponymy Of Ireland And Scotland
THE EARLIEST STRATA THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE EARLY MEDIEVAL TOPONYMY OF IRELAND AND SCOTLAND An Dara Comhdháil Idirnáisiúnta ar Logainmníocht Luathmheánaoiseach na hÉireann agus na hAlban An Dàrna Co-labhairt Eadar-nàiseanta...

- Via Old Irish Net
I just came across 3 important works of Old Irish grammatical scholarship that have been placed online. I'm not sure if people are aware of them, so I thought I'd send the links to the list. 1) O Maille's 'contributions to the history...

- Old Irish Summer Schools, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick
Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, will offer Summer Schools in Old Irish, Juneâ??July 2009. The aim of the summer schools is to provide help to students who wish to improve their knowledge of Old Irish but who are not in a position to...

Medieval History
