Medieval History
Stow Candlemas Eucharist, originally uploaded by gordonplumb.My absence is due in the most part to busyness in the parish. One of the things I've been working on is the liturgy for a solemn Eucharist for Candlemas. This took place in the glorious surroundings of Stow Minster last Sunday 31st of January. The following photo, taken by Gordon Plumb, shows the Gloria being sung in the twelfth century chancel at Stow.
Saxo-norman Sundials (more On Stow)
Sorry for the absence from blogging, I've had a rather nasty case of the Shingles and haven't been able to do anything much. It has well and truly sapped my energy and my mental powers. I'm just about getting back to my old...
Christ's Feet.
Newark, St Mary Magdalene, sII, 2e, The Ascension, originally uploaded by gordonplumb.This panel of early fifteenth century glass is at Newark parish church in Nottinghamshire and is from Gordon Plumb's photostream. It is representative of late...
Chancel Of Coates
Coates by Stow, Lincolnshire, originally uploaded by Vitrearum.A response to the enquiry by Canon Tallis about the seating of the chancel at Coates. As you can see there is nothing to suggest the medieval seating arrangements here. The back of the screen...
Coates By Stow - A Few More Photos.
This view of the church from the south was taken by Tudor Barlow. The simple two-cell plan is evident, the south door with its zigzag ornament revealing that the church is essentially Norman. Notice also the tiny little two-light window that illuminates...
Time Stood Still...
... at Coates-by-Stow in Lincolnshire. The church of St Edith Coates-by-Stow appears to have avoided the notice of the sixteenth century reformers and has preserved it's pre-Reformation fittings more-or-less intact. It's in a fairly isolated...
Medieval History