Medieval History


Apologies for the silence the last couple of weeks. But the updates have been piling up, so there will be several posts today to make up for it.

- Oi
I missed doing much of any updating last week. So I'll be posting about two weeks worth of accumulated announcements. My apologies for the delay and hopefully it didn't cause any problems for folks....

- Pilgrimage Website
APOLOGIES FOR CROSS-POSTING Just to inform you of the launch of a new website about Pilgrimage at http://www.york.ac.uk/projects/pilgrimage/...

- Busy Bee
Apologies to followers for not posting to the blog in the last two weeks. Life has been frenetic this month. Nothing bad, just busy. Am behind on my reviews. Will be back on deck as soon as possible. Book reviews still to come this month: Sons of Thunder...

- The Absent Minded Blogger
Apologies for the lack of posts since June 24. Something fried in the Medieval Mayhem side of my brain and I forgot my password for many days. I also temporarily misplaced the notebook where I had the password written down.  I am back...

- Brief Hiatus
Harpswell, Lincolnshire 5, originally uploaded by Vitrearum.My apologies for the hiatus in posting since before Christmas. My wife and my father have both been ill and have spent time in hospital over Christmas and consequently I have been unable to...

Medieval History
