Some news of recent work at Windrush in Gloucestershire
Medieval History

Some news of recent work at Windrush in Gloucestershire

Windrush, Gloucestershire

I was pleased to receive the following photographs from Fr David Ackerman, rector of Windrush in Gloucestershire.  It is worth repeating Fr Ackerman's message in full:  

"I thought you might be interested in seeing the attached gable cross which was dedicated on Easter Day. It was made by Rory Young, and was in part inspired by Saxon Gloucestershire carvings of crucifixes. It is of Christ Triumphant and the word "pax" is encircled by the crown of thorns, an illusion to the first words of the risen Christ and that his body bore the marks of the cross. The combination of the crown and the word is also a reference to the Benedictines, to whom the donor has a devotion.  I offer the pictures as a good example of current work and what can be achieved. This, by the way, was Rory's last work before beginning his work at St Alban's Abbey"

Windrush, Gloucestershire

I'm very pleased to post these photos to the blog.  The cross is exceptionally fine.  It does demonstrate the quality of contemporary craftsmanship and that it is possible to add something contemporary that works well with existing medieval fabric. 

Fr Ackerman has also initiated other restoration work at Windrush.  Internally an 'English altar' has been restored to the chancel and external paths have been relaid.  During the latter work the following female head came to light.

Windrush, Gloucestershire

What date is it?  Well it has been suggested that it is fifteenth century, but my gut feeling says second half of the fourteenth century.

Windrush, Gloucestershire

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Medieval History
